1/ For all his faults Trump's administration started no new wars.
His sainted predecessor (with his prematurely awarded Noble "Peace" Prize) completely trashed Libya, and Syria. And he failed to pull out of Afghanistan and Iraq.
2/ If "Globalism" means a multipolar world of sovereign nations cooperating as equals under the moderating oversight of the UN, I'm all for it. What I am opposed to is a unipolar world dominated by the US and the oligarchs which dominate it. Or the whole world united as a single confederation - this is clearly unworkable.
3/ If a sovereign nation is having troubles (you cite the Philippines as an example), then it's neighbours should help - but only in a non-interventionist way.
Neighbours does not include the USA. The USA is like the giant moron in "Of Mice and Men" - who always wants to help, but only manages to damage and destroy whenever and whatever he tries.
So if the USA want to help out, the rest of the world says "Thanks, but NO THANKS! Stay at home and mind your own business. You obviously have difficultly just with that!" (You can't even organise proper elections!!!)