Nazis don't need to be elected. They had the guns. They took over.
A single example:
Transcription: Yevhen Karas: We were now being given so much weaponry, not because, as some would say: “The West is helping us”. And not because they want the best for us. But because we [the neo-Nazis] perform the tasks set by the West. Because we are the only ones who are prepared to do them. Because we have fun. We like killing, and we like fighting.
And they [the West] say something like: “Wow! let's see what's going to happen”
And that is the reason for the new alliance: Turkey, Poland, Britain and Ukraine. We are the flagman here, because we have started a war that has not been seen for 60 years.
So, imagine how many weapons we have, how many veterans we have. And now imagine Russia falls apart, turns into five different Russia’s or whatever.
We have the most “Javelins” on the European continent, maybe only the UK has more. The potential of these armed forces will immediately become a problem for all those who are now trying to give us problems
It is [will be?] our joy and [or?] our sorrow. You need to understand why …
Yes it is hard, but not because [in a high mock-complaining voice] “We are Ukrainians, our ass has suffered for 300 years why [after all this is] everything good not just given to us? We are such a good people. We want to join Europe” [ends high voice]
No! We are a huge powerful state, and if we come to power it will be both joy [for us?] and problems for the whole world. Therefore, it is a huge ambitious task. We live in a very cool time!
And that is why there is this extremely ambitious cool goal: Not just to become “part of a European family” – It [Europe?] has already collapsed. This is about new political alliances on the global level, new political challenges. (My own comment: Did Victoria Nuland coach him with this part of the speech?)
Title: About “Maidan”: the topic of European integration was just a screen
Yevhen Karas: Maidan was THE victory of the nationalist’s ideals. Nationalists were the key factor there, and were clearly at the frontlines [or forefront?].
Now, there is a lot of speculation, saying, “Well, there were only a few neo-Nazis” [at Maidan]
The LGBT [groups?] and foreign embassies are saying, “There were not many neo-Nazis on Maidan, maybe about 10% of the really ideological ones.
The thing is: This could only be said by [the sort of] moron who has never been at war. They don't understand that those 10% … It may be even less, 8%? … But how much much more effective they were in the proportion of their influence. How much more was their effectiveness? Endless!
If not for those 8% of neo-Nazis, the effectiveness of Maidan would have dropped by 90%. The [raw] numbers are not the point. Even now, some left-wingers, like the “Boell Foundation” and so on, are still trying to count [present] numbers - saying something like, “There were [only] ‘that’ many nationalists, they had [only] ‘that’ much influence” …
“Influence?!” If not for the nationalists, that whole thing would have turned into a gay parade. (End)
You might also want to verify the authenticity of this video. It shows Zelensky at the receiving end of some amazingly insolent insubordination from some soldiers on the Donbass front in 2019.