I wouldn’t be surprised if the paper is a Sokal-like hoax intended to expose a sloppy journal. They like this sort of thing in the Balkan countries — as per this riot of a hoax by some Serbian academics: http://retractionwatch.com/2013/09/23/a-serbian-sokal-authors-spoof-pub-with-ron-jeremy-and-michael-jackson-references/ “Evaluation of transformative hermeneutic heuristics for processing random data,” by Dragan Djuric, Boris Delibasic and Stevica Radisic. The bibliography cites works by ‘Ron Jeremy’, ‘Max Weber’, ‘Michael Jackson’, ‘A.S. Hole’ and the “Journal of Modern Illogical Studies”. And the text is chock-full if gems like, “The decision tree model proposed in this paper is shown in Figure 7. It clearly presents the proposed model, which might be useful to EU analysts, but also to theorists who might judge the validity of this model using the new proposed heuristics.”