Shane Bauer et al were ‘on a vacation’ to Sulaymaniyeh.
On vacation from where? Damascus that’s where . . . in 2008 (Coincidence? What happened there in 2009?)
“In August 2008, the couple moved to Damascus, Syria, for a year. The capital of a Baathist police state, Damascus is nonetheless a seductive city with a secular atmosphere. Shourd studied Arabic and taught English at a language academy and to Iraqi refugees. Bauer freelanced for Mother Jones and The Nation. They fell easily into the thriving expat scene that revolves around the bars and cafés of the Old City.
Overall, they struck other Damascus expats as friendly and well-intentioned: Bauer is slight and energetic, while Shourd exudes a sweet, homey vibe that can belie her countercultural ideas. “They were very idealistic — a nice couple of kids,” says British freelance correspondent Kate Clark. “
They wanted to make the world a better place.’”
Coincidence? (It reminds me of the story of two Russian dudes who went to see Salisbury England on the two consecutive days after a storm called “The Beast from the East” . . .)