The "other side of the story" is an astonishing series of jaw-droppingly stupid "own-goals" by the Democratic leadership.
To name but a few - off the top of my head.
From Bill Clinton's part in quashing the Glass-Stiegel Act; to Obama turning Obamacare into a cash-cow for Wall Street. And, while the selling-out of American jobs to China and Mexico was largely the work of G.W. Bush, it was facilitated by GATT - as championed by Bill Clinton.
From Obama criticising Bush for starting wars and then starting two or three himself; to 'Hitlery' calling half the electorate "deplorables" to their faces.
From the Pelosi family's blatant insider trading; to the whole 'Russia-gate' farrago (based on the lies of a mad British fantasist, Christopher Steele) - instead of attacking Trump on hard matters of policy.
From levelling nebulous accusations of "authoritarianism" at the Trump administration, and then implementing unnecessarily harsh authoritarian measures themselves; to facilitating illegal covert surveillance of US citizens within the borders of the US itself.
From the disastrous Crime Bill (which has Joe Biden's name on it); to "Defund the Police" - while doing nothing substantive about the school-to-prison pipeline (they're all "deplorables" after all). Result: World prison population - School-to-prison pipeline - Wikipedia
Not to mention the blatant preening elitism and snobbery of the Democrats: from the jaw-dropping contents of Nancy Pelosi's fridge; to the stunning ballgown worn by AOC at a high-society event that should have been anathema to any grass-roots person of integrity. There aren't many 'Harry Truman's left in today's Democratic Party!
Then, of course there is the recent Virginia debacle. Accusing voters to their faces of being 'domestic terrorists' and insisting that they can't have any say in their children's education. Spin out all the apologetics you want, the fact is that McAuliffe lost.