This discussion isn't going to get very far if you don't even know the difference between 'Gulags' and 'Kulaks'.
Re: "The people had no food." For the people to have food, 'someone' must plant it and grow it - it doesn't grow by itself. And that 'someone' has to know what they're doing. In Russia that 'someone' was the Kulak - i.e. the farmer. And there must be sufficient land on which to plant it. But the clever communists confiscated the farmers' land, executed a million-or-two of them and threw another million-or-two in jails (which included the gulags) and left the rest homeless. The famine was caused by the communists and their idiotic incompetence and inhumane policies. Check it out. Communism at work . . .
Finally, re "Mao, Stalin, and Kim Il Sung. They fought imperialism, inequality, and nazism with their lives", Huh? Mao (83), Stalin (74), and Kim Il Sung (82) all died in comfortable old-age.